How do I get my ebooks and audiobooks?

When you purchase ebooks or audiobooks from this site, you'll receive your books instantly via BookFunnel (delivered to the email address you used to make the purchase). This service will deliver the books instantly to any device you like. If you have trouble, click the Help link at the top of the book download page.

You can also download the BookFunnel app! If you log in with the same email address you're using to purchase books, you'll find all your ebooks and audiobooks in the app's library right away. You can either read or listen to them straight out of the app, or use it to instantly deliver those books to your preferred device. 


How do I buy the Extended Edition of Faerie Fruit?

That's available from Campfire! To get it, visit this special edition's home at www.campfirewriting.com/explore/faerie-fruit.  You'll need to download their free app and make an account to purchase and read it, and this will allow you to unlock all the extra art, character and location detail, maps, journal excerpts, and short story as you read along. Cool? Cool!